This Week at The Pond, August 31 to September 6
Wow! The summer of our pandemic surely has flown by. This upcoming weekend is Labor Day Weekend. As with everything else, this weekend will be different as we won’t have our lengendary Labor Day Dance Party with DJ Sharon. But, we our sure you will like our entertainment schedule for the week:
Sundays at 7:30pm to 10pm ~ LOWER CASE BLUES
Mondays at 7pm to 10pm ~ JODI LYNN COHEE
Tuesdays at 7pm to 10pm ~ COONEY TUNES with Tim Cooney
Wednesdays at 8pm to 10pm ~ BJ’S DAMN JAM CREW
~ September 3 at 7:00pm ~ TAYLOR KNOX
~ September 10 at 7:00pm ~ KYLE OFFIDANI
~ September 4 at 7:00pm ~ THE CLASSMATES
~ September 11 at 7:30pm ~ TIM COONEY & COMPANY
~ September 5 at 7:00pm ~ 2nd TIME AROUND
~ September 12 at 7:00pm ~ ALICIA MAXWELL BAND